Contact Us
Build a better business with UC4.
Get in touch
The Priory, London Road,
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands, B75 5SH
T - 0121 323 3636
E - [email protected]

Find out the budget costs
of your project

Discuss the process and
how long it will take

Improve your SEO and PPC campaigns
How to find us
Our home is a converted open plan 18th Century coach house located in an old Priory with rolling countryside views, perfect for inspiration and providing the necessary tranquility to ensure a happy productive workplace. Contact our friendly team to discuss how we could improve your business through carefully considered design and marketing solutions.
Dathan Wells (UC4 Director)
Even when we're not recruiting, it's always good to let us know you're out there, whether you're a designer, developer or artworker (freelance or otherwise).
Feel free to send us your details via post or email & you might be just what we need! Send your CV and a portfolio link to: [email protected]
What are you waiting for? If you think you're good enough for UC4, send us your details and link to your work to: [email protected]
You need to be enthusiastic and very good at what you do.
Job Vacancies
Web Developer
We are looking for a Web Developer with a can-do attitude, willing to learn, highly motivated and organised and able to work to deadlines. Effective verbal and written communication skills are a necessity.
Roles & Responsibilities:
- Working alongside like-minded developers as part of a multi-disciplinary team, implementing client websites to a wide range of project briefs.
- Meeting with clients to discuss requirements and/or project progress
- Keeping up to date with recent technological and software developments
- Having a leading role in the development of the company�s in-house content management system
Required Skills:
- HTML/XHTML, CSS and JavaScript/jQuery coding experience
- Development experience using .Net/.Net Core, and MySQL
- Implementing API integrations to a wide range of third parties
- Experience implementing e-commerce solutions
Negotiable depending upon experience
To apply for this job please send your CV and if possible a portfolio link to: [email protected]
The Priory
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
B75 5SH
- e - [email protected]
- t - 0121 323 3636
Registered in England & Wales no. 3795882
VAT no. 785335108